Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flu Dead Numbers Rise

You won't find their names at the end of a PBS broadcasts but the first canaries who die the expected deaths from the expected flu even though we have the cure or rather the preventative are still just as dead. We all don't need saving but those whom have died within the last few weeks could have lived. The sadness is that they may have had access to the treatment and it just might have been too late. If we KNEW what was actually going on then we could grieve and just accept what is.

Again this is not to panic you, the reader. We get from those whom we employ (our representatives) what we demand of them. When you read or hear that the H1N1 swine flu isn't going to be as bad as predicted. Give them the figures. When the world says that a pandemic is coming - how is that not bad? Are they "Chicken Littles?" Do you think we are? We don't want you afraid. We want you informed. Or like the President said today and has repeated since the campaign: "Fired Up! Ready To Go! Fired Up! Ready To Go!"

 District of Columbia  76 
 Baltimore, MD  544 
    Richmond / Norfolk, VA  177 

The numbers don't lie although our jurisdictions may not tell us we still think that Virginia needs to be commended for restricting their mistruths. While all the jursidictions are reporting to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) the death toll the reports are being released accurately to the public. Virginia reported another death but within the site mentions incorrectly as a year to date number an inflated weekly death toll in the U.S. Maryland has stopped counting and if you reviewed the D.C. website you'd think they're were no deaths. The flu season isn't upcoming - it's here!

What each jursidiction has failed to do is to notify the local newspapers to not report such deaths in their obituaries. We read them daily counting, contacting the families and funeral homes concerning the unexplained and DC Medical Examiner investigative deaths. It's a macabre job but somebody's got to do it!

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