Monday, November 2, 2009

Conspiracy Fearies

You seen 'em. They're everywhere. Even notable comedian and social satirist Bill Maher suffers from 'em. From the H1N1 vaccine causes autism because there is mercury in the vaccine. Not True! Well there was mercury in the vaccine. Yes back in 1976 this is a new millennium. "The last swine flu vaccine, killed more than the virus itself. The vaccine program turned into a disaster." Not true! "(T)he virus is not a naturally occurring virus." It's alive! It's alive! Ala Dr. Frankenstein. Which is as fictitious as the monster and the doctor man.

This from the Washington Post last week: "There are other people who feel there is some sort of "conspiracy theory" regarding 2009 H1N1 and the vaccine involving the government/vaccine makers, etc. I can't comment on conspiracy theories, all I can point to is the scientific facts as we know them right now." There's even the "Craigslist" conspiracy about the woman who was buying a baby carriage or some sort of thing and a friend of a friend met this woman who works for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who told her some insider information that they're going to pass on to you.

H1N1 swine flu
Even though we don't know all the answers there is some sanity in the minds of the mental. Most of the all but most harden skeptics still when reviewing all the evidence don't quite reach the conclusion of mad scientist. From the third of a three (3) part article: "They are not saying not to vaccinate by the way, I want to make that clear. They are saying SLOW DOWN. Let’s look at what is going on. We went from 10 vaccines to 36 and kids are getting hurt."

Defeat Autism Now (DAN) has articles in its newsletter with heading like: "Study Shows Newborn Monkeys Given Vaccines Do Not Develop Normally" except the vaccine is a Thimerosal-Containing Hepatitis B Vaccine not the H1N1. If it's true for Hep B it must be the same for H1N1 after all doesn't it contain Thimerosal also? You'll have to wait until this week's conference presentation to find out who to blame. You might want to know that the presenters say: "While thimerosal is no longer used in Hepatitis B vaccines given to American infants, thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B vaccines are still widely used in many countries." You could travel there next. Boooo HAAAHAAA! Very scary!

The Age of Autism website has the very scary headline: "School Children Receiving H1N1 Vax without Parental Consent" and what happens next will chill your bones: "Two children were given the vaccine without their parent's consent. One mother said her daughter ended up in the emergency room after getting sick. It's a major mistake that could've cost one little girl her life." The story is reprinted from the NY CBS affiliate channel 2 reporter Jay Dow. It could turn out to be bad. It hasn't but it could!!!!!!

Just in time for Halloween! "Don't be afraid all I want is to" make you afraid. Our job is to take the fear of conspiracy "fearies!"

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