Friday, January 29, 2010

Fat Happy and Seventy

If we're any indication Pearlie Mae did NOT live longer than her twin sister Mamie nor her older sister Alice. Alice was less mobile than either younger sisters but what she did have they didn't was weight. Not just the weight of her wisdom and memories of older children long since passed but size. In her final days the family had to assist in her hourly care which we did grateful though not tirelessly. It wore us out. Her son traveled by plane weekly to assist in her care. Her daughter maintain primary and overall care of Mother Alice.

Currently the "study published today in the Journal of The American Geriatrics Society (AGS). Researchers looked at data taken over a decade among more than 9,200 Australian men and women aged between 70 and 75 at the beginning of the study, who were assessed for their health and lifestyle as part of a study into healthy aging. The paper sheds light on the situation in Australia, which is ranked the third most obese country, behind the United States and the United Kingdom."

The results are in and though not an American study only one conclusion can be reached and that is - the couch wins! While it might be true for the US there are other research studies that point in a different direction for other nationalities. Specifically, "Lean Mass Index: A Better Predictor of Mortality than Body Mass Index in Elderly Asians" from the same Journal of The American Geriatrics Society (AGS).
"[T]he researchers concluded that the type of disease which caused their death, for example heart disease or cancer, did not affect the level of protection being overweight had. To remove any risk of bias in participants with illnesses which caused them to lose weight, and also increased their risk of dying, the researchers contrasted subjects who were relatively healthy compared with those who had major chronic diseases or smoked and found no apparent differences in the BMI: mortality relationship."
But we're neither asian nor concerned about negative news. We'll listen here and just think of us ourselves as Aussies! Of course you've got to get to seventy (70) years of age before you can really derive any benefits from being fat and happy! From other studies we know if we want to live to sit on our butts to old age that that extra spare tire or chin and a half can protect you against heart disease or cancer rather than be a source of heart disease or cancer. We're not sure why this is we're just glad it's so. Maybe its more of that everything in moderation we've heard so much about.

Pearlie Mae, Mamie and Alice all lived beyond seventy (70) years of age. First there were five (5) including Buddy and Nellie when there were just the few. Nellie was the baby and Buddy the baby boy. The baby Nellie went first and then Buddy - both big fat and happy. Buddy more than Nellie though his respiratory strength was the worst. In their cases Nellie only left to go to church and Buddy needed full time nursing care when sitting up became too much for his lungs. One by one and then there were gone.

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