Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Programmed Salmon

When man doesn't act science fills the gap. It'll be more than the price of fish that critical ingredient to health according to every research known to man. We love all things natural but there are consequences and repercussions for our actions. Remember that 3rd law of Newton that we're so fond of. (Hey we're on a theme!)
"Tuna on the endangered list - Illegal fishing has depleted global stocks of tuna and governments must take bold action to save some critically endangered species, the conservation group WWF said Monday as a conference on the topic opened in Japan. Japan's insatiable appetite for tuna has been a key factor behind the threat to stocks, and now increasing demand from other countries is adding to the pressure." - NY Times (January 22, 2007)
One of the consequences of our OVER fishing and depletion of food supplies means more than shortages and high prices. It can result in the repercussion of poor health and diseases of old and conditions long since cured and eliminated. That however is negative doomsday thinking and while some of us live to think it others of us feel as though its too much of a downer. So with that in mind lets go to professionals.
"Continued mismanagement could force some tuna populations to quickly go the way of cod, a highly threatened fishery that once helped shape economies of whole nations, leading scientists said in the symposium “Last Best Chance for Tuna: Learning from the Cod Collapse” at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting in Boston on February 18." - World Wildlife Fund (Feb 19, 2008)
Okay so you say that's tuna and not salmon. We wish!. You see the fish that are tuna, are in the sea, well, ocean but you get our drift. Unfortunately close to home things are not that much better either. Indeed they have not been that way for some time now. So before you get all high and mighty we call your attention to this bit of historical information.
"Currently populations of salmon, steelhead, trout, and rockfish are listed as endangered or threatened in the state of Washington." - Municipal Research and Services Center (March 1999)
We don't really NEED fish to survive do we? We that depends on what you mean by survive. You've heard that we have this health care thing going on haven't you? Fish isn't important if your in great health and you exercise regularly and we've got enough stored vitamins and nutritional supplements for the next millennium.
"Some fish (such as salmon, trout, and herring) are high in a type of PUFA called “omega-3 fatty acids.” The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are commonly called “EPA” and “DHA.” There is some limited evidence that suggests eating fish rich in EPA and DHA may reduce the risk for mortality from cardiovascular disease. (EPA is eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA is docosahexaeonoic acid.)" - USDA (MyPyramid)
In any event we haven't heard the last word on the subject of genetically modified (GM) salmon eggs that grow faster than the naturally farm grown variety. Unfortunately Canada has said that their GM salmon has escaped into the wild and you know how indiscriminate those fish are. They've probably already mixed their scientific genes with those natural ones - except among the tank raised variety! Gives a whole new meaning to the term farm fresh doesn't it!

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