Nestle will plow some $500 million into expanding its medical nutrition business over the next decade, in a bid to capture a slice of the growing market for foods to treat chronic conditions such as diabetes and obesity, the Swiss consumer company said Monday. Nestle SA said it wants to "pioneer a new industry between food and pharma" by creating a medical nutrition institute in Switzerland and a stand-alone subsidiary called Nestle Health Science SA.
It'll be hard, unless you're the Small Business Administration (SBA), to consider POM a privately held company a "small business."
"The Office of Advocacy defines a small business for research purposes as an independent business having fewer than 500 employees. Firms wishing to be designated small businesses for government programs such as contracting must meet size standards specified by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Size Standards." - Small Business Administration (About)POM's little $34 million dollars in research pales in comparison to Nestle's offshore $500 but the damage is done. Nestle wouldn't be considered small and it's not privately held either. An offshore investment means jobs and money going somewhere else. Regardless of the company we'll have to wait and see what claims are made by Nestle and what actions the FTC takes against them.
We certainly never thought of Nestle (the chocolate company) as "one of the world’s leading health, wellness and nutrition companies." We doubt you did either but that hasn't stopped the company from making such a claim. We can't think of a single product that the company makes that would have any nutritional value unless you added milk to it. We allow that that's probably more about our ignorance of the many products that the company makes and markets rather than any disbelief in their claims.
We didn't know! N-E-S-T-L-E-S Nestles makes the very best! Chocolate! That's what we remember! We learn something new everyday and now so can you - unless you already knew and in that case. Why didn't you tell us!"Jenny Craig is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nestlé." - Jenny Craig Corporate Profile (Stock)
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