Friday, February 5, 2010

Salted to Death...

...but at least you didn't get cancer when you died!

The men among us here are big salt users. Calls us "salters" because we reach for the shaker before our lips ever touch the food. There is not a woman among us that doesn't warn us against the dangers of our salty ways. We get the same grief when we sweeten our drinks. The warnings always include the ominous you're going to get cancer (or diabetes as the case may be) and die! Maybe you've heard it or maybe you're a carrier of "the ominous warnings of death!" (TOWOD)

Now comes The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) and the Japan Public Health Center–based Prospective Study which says we (the men) were right and they (the women) were wrong. Well kind of wrong.
"Sodium intake as a whole salt equivalent may not increase the risk of cancer but may increase that of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In contrast, salted food intake may increase the risk of cancer. [Their] findings support the notion that sodium and salted foods have differential influences on the development of cancer and CVD." (AJCN)
So to all the other Tarzans out there - "Salters" not dying but greasy pre-salted bad! That includes all the processed meats and salty processed foods which can still kill you. Science keeps verifying it this bit of news over and over again. In this case science, since 1995 and eliminating family history for over ten (10) years and over seventy-seven thousand (77,500 men and women aged 45–74 y. During up to 598,763 person-years of follow-up until the end of 2004, 4476 cases of cancer and 2066 cases of CVD were identified.) individuals helped confirm the results.

It's not direct research it's what's called "a meta-analysis" of twenty-one (21) studies but the bottom line is (according to these  reviewers) "there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD." (AJCN) That's good enough for us and we'll hang on to every thread of countermanding evidence.
We don't need new lab research to show us the benefits of fruits and vegetables. We need research that emphasizes real-world solutions. - Janet King, PhD
Here Here Dr. King! We giveth the bad news and we taketh away the bad news - there is some new cancer hope from some fairly unconventional sources.
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) scientist Julie Saba, MD, PhD, and her colleagues have just published a groundbreaking study in Cancer Research that identifies a new class of therapeutic agents that could hold the key to the prevention and treatment of colon cancer. Sphingadienes (SDs) are sphingolipid metabolites found naturally in soy that Dr. Saba’s group has found to be protective against colon cancer. (CHORI)
Soy and fruit flies, all things we turn our noses up from the very mention or even seeing. Now showing us the way that going to get cancers and kill it!
"Although cell death does not sound like a good thing and can indeed contribute to pathology, it is also part of the normal process the body uses to remove unhealthy or mutant cells, providing what Dr. Saba refers to as a "cancer surveillance" function. Preventative colon cancer strategies often focus on the same process – ways to get rid of those cells that might be damaged – and thus more prone to turning into cancer – as quickly as possible, which was why Dr. Saba’s team was particularly interested in SDs." (CHORI)
Now we've got some additional ammunition in our growing arsenal to fight the "big C" (cancer) and we won't have to make major life changes to take advantage of its benefits. That's what we call a good day and a great end to a great week.

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