"The physician must be able to tell the antecedents, know the present, and foretell the future - must mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm. The art consists in three things - the disease, the patient, and the physician. The physician is the servant of the art, and the patient must combat the disease along with the physician." (Hippocratic Corpus)

What matters most is what works best with the least amount of damage. Like take an aspirin to fight breast cancer taking vitamins can only be better for your health. What physicians don't want you to know is that aspirin is the original natural medicine. According to Bayer it all happened in a laboratory in 1863. According to the inventor's library the history of aspirin began much earlier before 1829 with Hippocrates.
Enough about aspirin this is a story about vitamin E. So let's go back to the research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH).
Vitamin E and Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer - With regard to vitamin E, to date, very few clinical trials have evaluated its impact on lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and serving as a cancer prevention therapy among healthy persons, despite promising data from lab and observational studies. In the Women’s Health Study (WHS), BWH researchers found that vitamin E had no overall benefits on cardiovascular disease or cancer. However, it did reduce cardiovascular deaths among all women, as well as overall cardiovascular disease in the subgroup of women age 65 years and older. These secondary findings need to be explored further.... In addition, a recent analysis of previous trials of vitamin E conducted among patients at high-risk or with cardiovascular disease raised the concern that vitamin E might increase total mortality. The WHS showed that vitamin E had no effect on total mortality. (BWH)Yes, we know the information isn't the most recent but it goes with our earlier stories criticizing research against vitamin therapy and supplemental use from the same people who brought you the aspirin news so let us be. Thank you!
Vitamin E is not a vitamin but a group of fat-soluble vitamins with antioxidant effects. Vitamin E oil is taken from Vitamin E and can be applied directly to the skin, or added to lotions, creams and gels. To get more information Online pharmacy from online medicine store.