Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aspirin Cures Cancer

Another review of prior research finds that the most popular form of cancer can be cured or reduced with one of the cheapest and most popular drug on the market. What the report abstract does not answer is how much or how little is necessary to get the results. The danger is in playing doctor instead of seeing a doctor and as long lines form at the emergency room and longer wait times for scheduling an appointment with our favorite physician we may try to fix ourselves. Or even worse to delay treatment rather than seeking the advice of a qualified professional.

If we answer the question do we risk you the reader making the "self fix it" decision yourself? When the news of aspirin's amazing properties began to surface to the news we would personally supplement our own medical regime with a single aspirin before bed despite prior warnings to the contrary and usually when our own perscriptions had been depleted. As far back as March 2005 the New York Times reported: "Because aspirin carries a risk of bleeding, doctors do not currently advise healthy women or healthy men with no clear risk of heart disease to take aspirin to prevent heart attacks or strokes. The study results are unlikely to change that practice."

Don't self medicate! Don't self medicate! Don't self medicate! Now how much is enough? The report does not suggest however earlier reports suggest a baby aspirin amount of a single tablet. Our own usage was always in excess of the recommended amount. A single dollar store tablet is 325 mg and the recommended amount in a child dosage is 85mg.
low dose aspirin
Our use was daily and though aspirin doesn't protect women from heart attacks their studies showed less usage provided an equal amount of results from a less frequent amount of aspirin. "Regular use of low-dose aspirin does not prevent first heart attacks in women younger than 65, as it does in men, a 10-year study of healthy women has found... ...The amount of aspirin taken by subjects in the Women's Health Study - 100 milligrams every other day - is less than the amount one gets from taking a baby aspirin, which contains 81 milligrams, every day. But the researchers noted that the smaller amount still had the intended effect on blood clotting, as evidenced by blood analyses, by reduced risk of stroke and by the greater incidence of bleeding" the March 2008 New York Times reported.

Aspirin is still a medicine and like any medicine its got its up cancer curing side and its bleeding ulcer, suicide pill of choice down side. Lets leave the prescribing to the professionals.

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