Monday, August 10, 2009

Medical Oops

The health care debate continues to demand our attention as town halls become shouting matches and a new report released by the Hearts Newspapers have highlighted our concerns on the number of deaths as a result of medical mistakes. The report named the states where the reporting is open and the information available to the public and the standard "and the District of Columbia" tag was added. When he tried to investigate the information we found it ONLY available from the "Dead By Mistake" website. While the info is collected by DC it isn't collected or distributed by either DC, MD or VA - what it can cost us is our lives.US Hospital Maps Interactive

How do we survive IF we survive the emergency
room and our stay in the hospital? CBS news recommends: looking your doctor in the eye before surgery, writing on your body what should be done where it should be done and writing on your body what shouldn't be done, asking about what medications are being given to you and why. Who knew that Bill Cosby in the 60s and Malcolm in the Middle in the 90s would have the best solution to survive medical oops.

Great suggestions right? Not if you're unconscious or unable to verbally assist in your own recovery. Wouldn't it be better to have the procedure - whatever the procedure as an outpatient rather than in patient hospital care. The price would certainly be less than a day in a hospital bed which would reduce the costs of health care and give us better care. While hospitals would not report their complications the idea of reporting another facilities fatality might be possible.

What we need is a study on outpatient to inpatient survival rates. Lost in the health care debate is the patient and while patients death rates creep up at a one (1) percent increase per year. While it is only 1% it is still an increase and we can be the one. So we will contact the hospitals and evaluate and report which hospitals are opposed and why. What we find could save your life so continue to watch this space.

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