Tuesday, August 4, 2009

IT'S HERE! The Flu is HERE!

The flu is HERE! The vaccine is coming but it's going to be late. The CDC report (issued every Friday at 11AM then but NOT now) what was shown was too plainly understood. The method of reporting and the way the CDC "made it plain" has been removed so you won't and can't understand now bad the situation is and will be.

The Health and Human Services said the programs for our shots should be ready by the time the landlord switches off the air and turns on the heat, in October. That is and will be too late. The fact that the deaths are preventable is the real tragedy. In Virginia the state says that their latest REPORTED death occurred to a female who "had an underlying health condition." We're awaiting a response to our call on what her underlying condition was to which we all might be susceptible to a H1N1 Flu death.

SWINE FLU Cases   Deaths  Swine Flu
District of Columbia OLD 43  0 
Maryland 766  4 
Virginia  300    2 

Can you trust the figures? No! They don't even report the figures anymore. Or if they do they report it its in a way that is not clearly understood. By design? We're not certain. Reporting the numbers and then not when they did and it was clearly understood. That seems strange to us. Well then all it takes is a call to the proper person listed as a contact except the people who answer the phones for the contact person aren't even aware of the current numbers.

We are region three (3) where the CDC reports that has been an over twenty-seven (27.1) per cent increase for this area. Region III consists of: DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV. Only Region IV has a greater rate of infection and consists: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN.

The definition of an epidemic: "affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time." 36,000 people die EVERY year from the flu which fits the definition of SOME of the worst epidemic in US history. "1942-53 Polio continued to ravage the U.S., peaking in 1952 with about 60,000 cases. Worst epidemic since 1916." This is what is expected when the season starts in October. This is prior to the season with a total deaths so far of 353 preventable lives. In Virginia 1,000 citizens are EXPECTED to die from the flu in a normal year. In Maryland 1,000 citizens are EXPECTED to die as well. Hopefully it won't be us and if the trend continues it'll probably be a child and senior that we know and love. We deserve better with our knowledge and technology we deserve better. Let's "thin the herd" through competition and accomplishments not through neglect and ignorance.

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